Monday, June 16, 2014

Vegetarian Summer reboot, we are so lame

We decided that in order to lose weight and save some money we would be summertime vegetarians. Sadly, we fell off the potato cart after a week...womp womp. We went to the mountains, I had no time to do proper food shopping...blah excuses. But, I am determined not to fall back on terrible habits. I am currently surrounded by a bunch of recipes and Pintrest to keep things interesting....and I am watching Top Gear the Bolivia this is fun. I am hoping if I chronicle our voyage I can keep us honest. I promise there will be pictures.
***Disclaimer we are technically Lacto-Ovo Pescetarians, but I don't want to say that more than I have to, and we won't be eating that much fish, and our cheese and eggs consumption will be limited***

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welcome to my pity party, want some cake?

I'm feeling bloggy. It was a long summer, things didn't pan out the way I thought they would and I spent most of it worrying and thus eating my feelings . Now I'm back at work and things still aren't the way I planned. Boo me. *crying in my coca cola* WAH!!!
 My problem mainly is that I am terrible to the millionth power with money. And that stresses me out.  Next to that small problem is not a problem, but still stresses me out, Dell, my lovely boyfriend.
I'm not dishonest, but like the Duchess of Devonshire  (I could never be a princess) I keep things that might a) get me in trouble b) make Dell mad or c) all of the above from him. Sew he reads my mail. Which does piss me off, but in the long run I can't really get mad since if I'd just tell the truth I wouldn't be in this stupid pickle.
I've never been one to talk about my problems *eye roll*. I mean don't we all have them, some worse than others. I mean I'm not hooked on meth or anything.  Since I don't talk about my problems I tend to wallow or dwell on everything. I have finally come into the familiar disease WORRYWORTISM. I blame my foremothers for this. Thank goodness I don't have children, because *shudder*. 
I have no idea how I can break my cycle of worrying and fretting. I have thought about therapy, complaining more, maybe just telling Dell what is exactly going on in my life. He is the one I want to spend the next 50 years with, and possibly continue to torture in the next life. SO when he says we need to budget I'll pony up my bills, monthly expenses and how much I actually make, and when he asks me what is wrong I'll tell him, easy, right? 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We have been back for three weeks, maybe. Our trip was fine, and yes, we are still together. I would love to do another cross the states trip.. only with a bigger car. And maybe we could drive around Kansas.. nothing wrong with Kansas just nothing to look at from the interstate and it takes a lOOOOOOOOng time to drive through. I think me being home this summer is getting on Dell's nerves we have been agreeing to disagree fighting more and one just fight culminated with me throwing a hot dog at him... it was cooked.
   What I am realizing is that we have way different sparring style. I am a screamer and temper tantrum thrower extraordinaire, and he is Mr. Quite and ignorer of my said tantrums and screaming
(which makes me do both more and with gusto.. yeah me). He is more direct and to the point and I definitely take it the wrong way all the time.. That would be the sensitive Pisces in me.
We had a talk ... like a real one .. no yelling or ignoring this time. And we talked about the ..wait for it... FUTURE! He wants to have kids ( YIKES) and move to another place state, and he wants me to get my life in order and think about the future, our future.  And he is right. I have just been getting by and doing what I need to do now instead of thinking about whats the next step and the step after that. Not an excuse, just the truth I have never been with someone who I wanted to have a future with. So I have alot to think about. I want a future with D that is my goal.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Can you take home with you?

We are leaving on our road trip tomorrow. I am such a homebody, I love my house and the creatures I share it with, I can do without the mosquitoes that have somehow made their way into our home. There is so much to do just to go on vacation. Dell made a list of things to do. I don't have the heart to tell him that he wrote somethings twice, it's a loooong list. I wonder how the dynamic will play out ( did I mention that Dell best friend is coming with? Yeah.) I do get along with DW, but I've never been with both of them together for longer than 3 days. Well, it's family so I suppose that we will fight and hopefully, we can all play fair.
   I think that this is the best thing for all of us. Just to get away. I drove to work and home for 180 days. I am ready to see some other places, see new things. Dell and I pretty much saw each other sometimes for short spurts of time. We've had some outside forces pushing on us, taking a breather in a new place seems right. Dell is one of the best things to happen to me. I think that wherever he goes is the place for me. You can take home with you. Its in your heart. I think that is why when I visit my family I don't get as sad about leaving as I used to, because my home is with Dell . I remember myself a year ago, I was miserable, happiness was on the horizon. I moved in, and it has not been easy, (one focus of my bloggy, love ain't always pretty, people don't tell you how hard this can be) and the fog cleared and today I am happy. I'm taking home with us. But I will miss our doggie.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer, summertime!!

This is the first day of summer vacation! I could not feel more relaxed if I had a g&t on the front porch at 9 am. My summer bucket list: blog (obvs), go to the gym/ workout, BE CREATIVE, whip this house into shape and relax. We are getting ready for a BIG road trip out west in two weeks, I guess that should be on my list too. this summer is going to be so great.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Domestic partnership

I love my boyfriend, I mean my "Domestic Partner", I just want to give a heads up to girls who are wondering if now is the time to move in together, or if you have never lived with a boy and want to know the real deal about domestic partnership. I mean it's not all the champagne of beer and daisies. Sometimes you really cannot stand each other, but as long as you never want to break up at the same time and someone says sorry, you'll do great. Oh, and most importantly his and hers bathrooms are very important.